Thursday, January 14, 2010

Today I realize I may be too lazy to establish a blog. Not lazy in an "I do absolutely nothing but watch television and surf the net" type of way. I'm lazy in the when I have free time "I do absolutely nothing but watch television and surf the net" type of way. I've never really kept a diary or anything; for the most part I just didn't feel like it. Most of the things I wrote consist of comic strip renditions of actual events in my life, which I still find hilarious. I guess I thought this blog would help me in some way, like maybe I would start eating fruit everyday if I stuck it out there for anyone to see. Of course I don't want to blog about any serious issues going on in my life, believe me it would make a sociopath cry (which they regularly do to blend in, or so I've been told). This thing is supposed to be positive, reflecting optimism and joy to whomever stumbles upon it (although the number may be few).

I am increasingly bothered by the ads on the monkey and globe features, but come on the monkey is interactive! Those features are just down right cool! Right?

I leave you with a picture of one of the greatest animals our planet has every seen.

Yes a chicken. A chicken originating in China. From a humble egg to a fierce fighter. This makes sense considering the prevalence of Chinese Chicken, which I was perturbed by while searching for a website to link with this chicken.
These chickens have been tested as to their powers. My preteen brother decided to initiate a battle by chasing said chickens. Said chickens proved their fighting power by flying up into several Karate kicks. My brother proved his cowardice by running from the chickens. "Well done Austin-son." Just another victory in the powerful embodiment which is the chicken.

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